About Language Access Tools (LAT)

What Is The Language Access Tools (LAT) System?

The Language Access Tools System is a web based business solution that supports businesses who use Language Service Providers (LSP’s)-Independent Contractor, Language Access Professionals (LAP’s) and the consumers who use them all. The LAT solution is a robust turnkey system that will help personnel take an order for language access service, fill the order, then manage billing customers or departments and paying IC professionals all in the same system.

Take An Order

The LAT system creates a request from your branded business portal as staff or customers put them in, you are notified.

Fill An Order

Filter your LAPS's by Service Type, Language, Availability, Location, Certifications and more. Send out text messages to qulifying service providers and secure them in a matter of minutes through our secured portal.

Bill & Pay

System tracks all accounting data and creates and invoice or payment document to pay IC’s then, if needed, exports to your accounting system-QuickBooks-Excel, etc.