Key Features


  • Quote to contract to request work flow
  • Integrated stakeholder (Customer- LAP -Consumer) relationship management
  • Mobile
  • Robust matching between qualifications and requirements
  • Robust searches systemwide
  • Tracks compliance items
  • Manages documents
  • Integrated communications systems
  • Flexible & Customizable
  • And much more

Take An Order

All Customer, LAP and Consumer information including documents, is in the system. Requests contain all relevant information to coordinate language access service delivery, bill and pay. Requests are put in via portal by customers or directly into the system by personnel.

Fill An Order

LATS Matches IC candidates to customer and consumer preferences and requirements then contacts available LAPs via preferred communication channels. Accepting work for IC’s is as easy as clicking a yes/no option. Ability to relax or tighten search criteria provides more targeted results. Know in moments what your options are in “what if” scenarios. This is scheduling on steroids!

Bill & Pay

Requests contain all the data needed on 1 line to bill and pay. LATS tracks all accounting data and creates an invoice to bill customers or payment documents to pay IC’s, then, if needed, exports to your accounting system-QuickBooks-Excel, etc. Some reporting is available and customizable.